Present course of health events (as I see it on December 26, 2016):
- OHSU (Beer): In the short term he wants to start Enzalutamide. Optimal start date would be 12/28; but can wait until 1/13/17. Long-term plan is unclear, but I suspect PEMBRO trial. No scheduled appointment with Beer directly.
- UCSF (Small): I am unsure of their short-term recommendation; also unsure of their sense of urgency (perhaps, I should ask directly). I know they don’t see a difference between Enzalutamide and Abiraterone. Scheduled to see them on 1/17/17.
- Insurance Company (MODA): I’ve received 2 denials to fund Enzalutamide (initial request and 1st appeal). Unsure if OHSU is going to appeal a second time. Interestingly enough, they will fund Abiraterone.
- Xtandi Support Solutions (Enzalutamide Manufacturer/Distributor):
- Currently working with OHSU & MODA to provide financial aid for drug purchase
- Currently working with OHSU & MODA to provide ‘Quick Start Program’ (14-day emergency supply).
- Trails:
- UCSF PMSA PET Scan: Did first one (awaiting interpretation). Scheduled for follow up scan 2 to 3 weeks after start of either Enzalutamide or Abirateron.
- OHSU Biopsy: Waiting for Enzalutamide OK AND whether lesions are large enough to biopsy. Scheduling Issues.
- OHSU PEMBRO: Waiting for Enzalutamide OK, Enzalutamide failure AND reopening date.
Outstanding Questions (Inbox on Portals):
UCSF: Please interpret: Neuroendocrine marker AND PMSA PET Scan data.
- Eligible for PEMBRO trial if I were treated with Abirateron now and later with Enzalutamide? Timing?
- What did the most recent CT and Bone Scans (from Peace Health) tell us? Specifically, have lesions increased or are they large enough to get a sample for the Biopsy trial?
- Did you receive the PMSA PET scan report from UCSF (taken on 12/20)? What did we learn?
- Richard and I have been working in tandem to get XTANDI to approve a quick start program – seems to be going well. I assume we continue down this road?