Thursday 6/9:
I certainly do not want to risk hubris, tempt fate, rock the boat, offend Murphy (as in Murphy’s Law) or be cocky, but I am convinced that we are finally through the hardest part of chemo 3. The bump is smoothing out!
I say so, because despite a full Wednesday (continued yard work, schlepping an air conditioner, kitchen faucet repair job, a math tutoring session and a late night poker game) the fatigue and fog seem to have lifted.
I got up this morning feeling great and ready to jump back on that yard project. Perhaps the breaking of the four day heat wave (high 90’s) or a slight relaxation of cardio workouts are the real reasons. Ah, heck who cares, there is so much going in and around this body I don’t really care about cause and effect. I only care about feeling strong and whether those cancer cells are continually being pounded and starved!
Over this last bumpy week, the support I have felt from family and friends has been like a surge of power. I believe it can move mountains! Wonderful events have unfolded and I have experienced some powerful emotions. Letters, cards and notes continue to flood in. Some illustrations:
“……..but the fact you were so wiped out means the chemo is doing what it’s supposed to….. giving it to those unwelcome visitor cells with both barrels. As you know, they are more sensitive than the rest of you because they divide so quickly, so if your good healthy cells are feeling crappy, you can imagine what a beating the cancer cells are taking. Still, I’m really glad you are almost done with this treatment course.”
“You know me and my faith, so I will just tell you that you are in not only our family prayers, but in the prayers of 1,000’s in our church and bible study. …………., I can tell you that you are one of few people I know that can beat this disease solely based on your approach to living life fully. Though we took different paths in our life we do share one important thing – family! ”
“I particularly appreciate your renewed lust for Life……..….Of course I wish from the bottom of my heart you weren’t going through this, yet I hear in your words how much more you’re expanding every moment to allow the beauty, gravity and joy of each as it comes.
After reading a small article about the Kepler telescope…………………I got the most gleeful feeling of being so absolutely lucky to be a part of this creative mess we call Life and whatever creative, as well as destructive, force that makes all this possible. It’s really quite stunning. From your posts, I get you know that better than most.”
“It was so wonderful to see you Mike and to be in the presence of your bright positive spirit. I thoroughly enjoyed our whole visit, mostly the conversations, and sharing…………the walk through the magical green woods that is so Eugene. I love seeing you relax in your red chair. I also appreciate your realness with expressing all of the emotions you are experiencing and your reflections…………I’m holding you in my thoughts everyday.”
Special shout outs to Joey and Steve. Both these guys have been super reliable when asking for help or a favor – no hesitation what so ever to stop by and lend a hand. Thank You – you remind me of the value of family when times become challenging!
Laurie got a break from the Portland doctor trek this week as Joey volunteered to drive me. We made a fun day of it together. At OHSU, I found Joey joking with the nurses, one of which seemed a little concerned with exactly who should get the androgen deprivation drug injection. Him, playing with the wheel chairs in the parking lot was quite amusing. The unabashed parading of his pride and joy, Bo, through the lobby of the hospital was quite the sight – many heads turned, attracting gobs of attention and receiving pet after pet. We had a classic ‘city lunch date’ and then paraded through interesting neighborhoods and retail therapy outlets. The man has not lost his charisma and touch, or his driving prowess. I was reminded of many fond cruising together memories. Way cool!
Looking forward to a fun, relaxing weekend in Eugene. Nephew Eric visiting, Orion done with school, Rich back in town and chemo 3 behind me. Just cruising! Soon thereafter Lana comes and then my birthday.
Life is Good! 😉