Saturday, May 20
Laurie was especially happy this morning when I reported that my morning weigh-in revealed that I had gained roughly 5 pounds over the last four days! Of course, she (and the doctors) want me a little chubbier to deal with this summer’s chemotherapy treatment. I just as soon stay a little trimmer in hopes of continuing hard climbing for at least another month.
Not withstanding though, I think my sheer joy over the last few days stem from the fact that I CAN now EAT again! Acupuncture, time, the miracle of modern anti-nausea medicine or old wives tale remedies – I don’t care – I am back on the food track and loving it! Interestingly enough one of the two more potent anti-nausea drugs prescribed earlier this week, namely Zyprexa, is an atypical antipsychotic. Thus perhaps my current euphoria might be induced by drugs, by gorgeous weather (it has been 75 degrees and sunny), by the upcoming full-on play visit of my 8 and 10-year old nephews, by the natural receding effects of chemotherapy or by being totally in love with Laurie! No matter, I’m back and loving it!
Once again, my deepest, sincerest thanks to ALL of you for the heartfelt wishes and prayers over the last two weeks………..Be fully assured they helped us weather an intense, rocky storm. Now back to the task of lounging around in order to deal with the incessant chemotherapy fatigue and preparing for my next infusion at month’s end.
Oh, the journey of a lifetime continues with such vast oscillations. Simply Amazing!