3rd Health Update

April 16, 2016

Family & Friends,

The old adage, espoused by my mom, that all bad news comes in groups of three seems to be the case for Laurie and I:
1.) Rapidly elevating PSA levels over a month
2.) Positive cancer biopsy of prostrate tissue
3.) CT evidence of cancer cells metastasizing in the liver and lymph nodes.

Thus, I suggest we are done with the bad news. Yesterday, Laurie and I flew from Las Vegas to Portland to meet with a world renown cancer doctor / researcher at OHSU Knight Cancer Center to design a comprehensive treatment plan. The miracle of getting this meeting opportunity is through the persistent efforts of our dear friends in the Portland medical research community. We cannot thank them enough!

Things are getting serious, so it’s time to toughen up and get to real work! Nonetheless, we remain optimistic! I have decided to cancel the rest of my spring RR climbing adventure and all subsequent visits. I want to be home to concentrate on this urgent medical problem.

The out pouring of support, concern and empathy from you, our friends, has been, heartwarming and tearfully overwhelming. Laurie and I cannot thank you enough! You all ROCK!

I feel perfectly comfortable with you sharing this information with all friends and family members. Since events are unfolding rapidly and the web is growing we may not directly acknowledge responses. Be assured, however, we do appreciate each and everyone one thousand fold!

Besos y abrazos a todos,
M & L

2016-04-12 12.51.18

Had climb to the top of pitch 4 in order to set up the next set of medical test!