The local family and a few friends gathered last evening to unveil Mike’s Monument. We had a picnic dinner and toasted to Mike with margaritas, his favorite drink.
The Monument is a powerful presence sitting tall in the grotto, near the top of the hill. I’m wondering if seeing his name set in stone will help me feel the reality of his death. Every single morning I continue to wake up wondering if I have been in a dream? Can Mike really have died?
Creating the monument was a long involved process. Lisa Ponder, a local stone carver, guided me every step of the way. She advised that the size, shape and color of the stone can say a lot, sometimes more than words. Our goal was to create a monument where strangers passing by would see and feel the unique, bold, playful and adventurous spirit Mike was. More importantly, I was counseled to have the monument speak to everyone who knew Mike and, it should speak the loudest to me. I hope I have achieved this for all of you. I certainly have for myself.
I plan on keeping this blog site online for another half year or so. However, this may be the final post. As Mike often signed his letters: May all your winds be gentle tailwinds and all your hills be gentle downhills. He often told me in Spanish he will always be with me, forever: Para Siempre.
Much love!
Thank you David Simone for these beautiful photos!