Half a Year Later

How can it be 6 months since Mike passed last August?  We finished out the summer months and went through the autumn.  Here we are half a year later as the winter months are waning.  Daffodils, snowdrops, quinces, crocuses and daphne are all beginning to bloom.  It’s the yearly reminder of new life that comes with each spring.

Mike had told me he didn’t want to die in the winter.  He wanted to die when life was still easy.  When we all wore shorts and flip flops.  When you can hop your bike and not have to think of keeping yourself warm and dry.

      One of Mike’s last bike rides

About two months ago a kitten found me.  He arrived at my doorstep starving, scared and filthy.  He quickly stole my heart.  However it was the ‘M’ on his forehead that really took my breath away.  Love at first sight!

        His name is Baxter!


5 thoughts on “Half a Year Later”

  1. Wow Laurie, 1/2 a year….Looking forward to our time at Odell and in solidarity with what I know would be Mike’s wishes, I’m not going to do dress up this year !

  2. Wow. I am speechless. Leave it to Mike to come back as a cute ass kittie! I am so happy you have Baxter to keep you cozy during this end-of-winter time in Eugene. Spring is almost here! Let’s walk soon! We love you, Tom and Jen

  3. Mike is with me each and every time I climb. We were down in Red Rocks in March and took a hike into Black Velvet Canyon. I yelled out to Mike as I know he has some DNA out there:)

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