Turning Inward

Saturday, May 12

The last few days continue to be extremely difficult for Laurie and me. We try to summon up the energy to crawl out of this hole, but find ourselves continually turning inward to seek the comfort of one another. We embrace, we kiss, we hug, we cry. Our feeling of sadness is far keener than that of anger.


We have spoken with some of you and have received a deluge of heartfelt, warm, touching notes to which we know not how to respond. We, too, feel the helplessness with respect to this ravaging, relentless disease. That said, your support has been fantastic and no matter what you do, it is the right thing to do! We undoubtedly, feel the LOVE.

I thought I had a good feel for dealing with the physical effects of chemotherapy. Regrettably, it is certainly more difficult this time through. Perhaps, it is due to the fact that I now am being dosed with the same Taxotere, plus a stronger cytotoxin agent, Carboplatin. Additionally the 8 doses of the glucocoriticosteriod, Dexamethasone, have its nasty effects. A viciously dragging fatigue is my main issue, but so is a nagging nausea and some minor bone pain.

Presently, I am scheduled for 4 more chemotherapy infusions spaced three weeks apart. This will take us through August 1. We are not sure if we will have a hint of this treatment’s efficacy until at least the third treatment (6/20). Thus we are reevaluating our summer plans in this light with our priority being our family reunion and Tanya’s family vacation.

In the meantime, there are some rays of HOPE, on which I will elaborate next time. Until then, thank you for everything you offer us – you mean the world!


Faking it!

7 thoughts on “Turning Inward”

  1. Hi Mike,
    The strength and determination that both you and Laurie show day after day amazes me! What a heart-wrenching journey this has been. The list of chemotherapy drugs they currently have you on must be so difficult to deal with. I can only offer my love, prayers, and positive thoughts to both of you.
    God Bless You,

  2. Dear Mike and Laurie,

    You have some amazing friends and family as evidenced by the postings on your blog, and it takes amazing people to have amazing friends… that be you 2! The sentiments echoed by others sum up my thoughts as well. Beth’s words from her preceding post and this one are spot on. Bill’s words above, “God Bless You” encompass more than I can say or do. And kt is spot on in that Laurie’s jacket is the bomb. Praying for a supernatural infusion for you both. bob

  3. Hugs and love to you. You two are heroes for your straight forwardness, honesty and bravery. Hang in there.

  4. I am just stunned!!……The peacefulness ,your priorities in life and YOUR concern for the people around you continually amaze me.
    Hang in there Mike!……..You too Laurie!!!

  5. Mike and Laurie–

    As I read this post, I cry with your sadness and I’m warmed by your embraces.

    Love; Joseph

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