
Tuesday, May 9

The incredible highs and lows of this journey continue.

After a most wonderful all day adventure with Chris on the new climb, Dodgeball, at Red Rock, I dropped him at the airport on Sunday morning (10:45 am.) and started the two-day drive to OHSU. After a chilly campout on Sunday night in the mountains just north of Susanville, I swung by our house for a bite to eat, a shower, a quick repack and Laurie. We were off to a 2:15pm blood draw and CT scan in preparation for today’s appointment with Dr. Beer.

Both Laurie and I had severe doubts about the efficacy of the most recent PEMBRO trial, not to mention the efficacy of all three of the androgen deprivation therapy drugs over the last 9 months. A few hours ago our fears had become fully realized. Slammed!

Dr. Beer gloomily reported a PSA rise of 170% – a new record high of 191! Also reported were scans showing a wild wide spreading of my cancer, lesions of various size in my: lung, liver, bladder, prostrate, seminal vesicle, rectal wall, abdominal cavity, lymph system, vertebrae and pubic bone. Worse still, we were told there is significant compromising of liver function! Once again, this confirms that my particular strain of prostate cancer is extremely aggressive and resistant.

I sit now in an infusion chair where I was to receive my third infusion of the immunotherapy drug PEMBO. Dr. Beer has pivoted drastically. We are bailing on the trial and reverting back to chemotherapy to zap those invading cancer cells – a more aggressive chemotherapy. I await my first infusion now!

Admittedly, I feel a little angry, but more sad. Sad that Laurie needs to be further dragged through this dark ordeal and sad that I must report this news to you. I do not regret any of the decisions we’ve made thus far. I continue to be impressed and confident in my team’s dedication to my treatment, not to mention their sincere empathy.

Presently, we are trying to embrace a feeling of HOPE!

7 thoughts on “Slammed”

  1. Sobering news…. Hard to comprehend after the wonderful posts of thrilling ascents @ Red Rocks.

    Damn cancer cells….

  2. It is just after midnight, a full moon and kousa’s 9th birthday. Rich come’s to bed with his laptop…very unusual and sezz “I have to read you something”. In those few words, I knew it was our anticipated post. My heart was hoping you would tell us, in a story only you could tell, that the PSA had miraculously lowered to a whopping 63! Instead it sank. Mike and Laurie, my heart is both saddened and angry over this news. I second Rich’s thoughts regarding those Damned, f—ing cancer cells. I am at a loss of words yet, I want to believe there is always hope. Much hugs and love coming your way.

  3. Crap……..crap…. crap………Your Strength, determination, attitude and climbing skills, at Red Rocks was truly amazing, its hard to believe that those cancer cells could stand a chance. I know the love and support your getting from Laurie (your cute girlfriend)and countless friends and family , I know you have the best medical care available. I update my prayer warriors every Tuesday night….Crap!!!
    Bolt to bolt my friend
    Much Love

  4. Mike,
    What terrible news from your latest PSA test and scans. I’m so very sorry that the cancer cells continue to spread even with all the drugs in your system. It was so great to read your climbing posts and I was hoping you would finally get some good news. As always my thoughts and prayers go out to you and Laurie! God Bless You Both!

  5. Hard to comprehend going from the exhilerating highs of your climbing adventure to such an incredible low. There are no words…

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