Monday, January 23
I think my last post has created some confusion. Apologies.
I’ve received numerous questions about whether the prescribed anti-androgen drug, Enzalutamide, which I have been taking daily for the past 20 days, has failed me. The answer is: we don’t know yet. It is simply too soon to tell. We will get PSA data and are scheduled for an appointment with Dr. Beer in two weeks – February 7. This will give us some indication if this drug is keeping the cancer at bay, but I doubt if we will know for sure the drug’s efficacy. Stay tuned!
In the meantime, I continue to take it. I feel exceptionally well, except for increased fatigue – nothing like chemotherapy – and some increased joint pain. Thus, I’ve committed to make sure I take rest days from my climbing training, skiing days, daily walks and occasional cycling jaunts. I continue to thoroughly enjoy the time I spend with family and friends, but again commit to down time, especially to relax and read outside when we are blessed with those occasional gorgeous sunny afternoons.
Finally, I relish in the joy that my general anxiety is extremely low and I seem to be able to mindfully live in the moment. I think am I able to do so because presently, I’ve embraced the uncertainty that is inherent in life itself.
So it goes………………….
I just love you, your writing, your thoughts and your willingness to share ALL of those with less mindfulness, always in a hurry schmucks! Xoxo Jen
Something I don’t know… that Jacob in the crib? I’ve been meaning to ask you since it was posted! Nice chatting with you this afternoon.
abrazos y besos! kt