The Right Road

Thursday, November 17

images-1By 7:50am Laurie and I had driven into the city, parked the car, checked into UCSF medical center, rendezvoused with Susan and were waiting to be summoned for our much anticipated second opinion appointment. We were scheduled to meet with Dr. Eric Small, professor and deputy director of the prestigious UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Small also leads a team of physicians and researchers called the “Dream Team” that is funded by the Prostate Cancer Foundation. Of course, this is a different Dream Team than the 1992 U.S. Olympic basketball team that won the gold medal in Barcelona. It just might be that the Dr. Small’s Dream Team will provide me with exactly what I need to successfully beat my cancer. Needless to say we were quite excited!

Two and a half hours later, we exited the appointment, fully convinced that we were on the right treatment road. Essentially, Dr. Small reinforced Dr. Beer’s systemic treatment plan of two anti-androgen drugs to starve the tumor cells of their sustenance coupled with watchful waiting. He emphasized the ability to quickly adapt our plan to changing circumstances. Dr. Small also suggested the following:

– Despite rising PSA, my scans & symptoms suggest sufficient time to make thoughtful treatment decisions.
– More blood tests to check for neuroendrocine markers as well as genetic mutations.
– A PSMA PET scan. This is a sophisticated diagnostic tool available at only 3 USA sites.
– Continue my exercise regime along with vitamin D & calcium supplements.

It never ceases to amaze me how fortunate I am to have access to top notch, highest quality medical care. Phrased another way, how did a lowly, suburban, son of a first generation, blue-collar American immigrant mother ever get an appointment at distinguished and esteemed institutions like the Knight Cancer Institute and UCSF? I fully recognize my luck and fortune in this respect and continue to be eternally grateful!



Do we seem happy?
Because we most certainly are!

4 thoughts on “The Right Road”

  1. Congrats bro. No small undertaking in pursuing a quality 2nd opinion outside the area. Happy to learn the treatment course is similar.

    My advise (if you’re asking): Buy, Hold, Run Hard & Revel in It….
    * Buy into the treatment philosophy.
    * Hold on when the twists and turns surface.
    * Run Hard with the good times you’ve got.
    * Revel in the present, knowing the collective cancer experts have your back.

    Now let’s all go south, and give Aunt Joan a worthy bon Voyage’ Party……

    1. Hey Mike
      Glad to hear the 2nd opinion stays the course. Hang in there buddy .
      As I caught up on your blog , your travels and your support of family and friends , there is no doubt in my mind that you are in a great space for this journey. Doing all you can and enjoying life to its fullest.
      Just want you to know I’m still thinking of you and sending good thought your way during the holidays.

  2. Mike, my good friend, it is not from where you came, but who and what you are. And so you fully deserve the best care and treatment that there is to offer. Period. Luck is a minor player here.

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