Coming Home (again)

Wednesday, October 26


I’m sure you’ve all seen it before; the airplane wing stretching out into the infinite horizon from your semi-comfortable seat. Well, that is our story today, as our east coast, autumn, family vacation winds to an end. We are on our way home! The last few days have been as fun and fulfilling as the initial weeks, but the playfulness, childhood innocence and hearty laughter shared with Zach and Jacob are not what I want to focus on now.

I view the out stretched wing into the horizon as a metaphor. The wing represents the reaching out by Laurie and me for help on our new journey – the vast horizon simply representing the unknown.

Upon returning home, Laurie and I will face the reality of my changing medical condition. We will address the ominous PSA rise (which may or may not reflect the marginal success of my phase one treatment). Presently, I am scheduled for a PSA retest this afternoon and a hormone injection on Monday coming. Most importantly, however, I have an appointment with Dr. Beer on Tuesday to consult and construct a new treatment plan. I guess, its time to get back to work and challenge those pesky tumor cells one more time.

I commit to continue to share the ups and downs of this transformative and interesting journey no matter where it leads. In the meantime, thank you all for the caring support you’ve shown us. Stay tuned and may the games begin once again!


Ready, Set, Go – Jacob, Zach & Uncle Mikie

1 thought on “Coming Home (again)”

  1. Mike and Laurie: Pam and I are here for you! Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. You continue to amaze us with your great attitude and positive outlook. Hope the appointment with the doc goes well.

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