By The Numbers

Friday, October 28

 Yesterday morning, we received blood test results confirming my rising PSA levels (See Table Below).  We know this is not good, but are unsure how bad it really is. The truth is that we had expected a PSA rise but were hoping not to see it for 24 months. Alas – we got 2!

We’ve been in close contact with our team in Portland. A Bone and CT Scan (checking for changes in tumor size and location, I assume) has been scheduled for Monday afternoon. These data will aid Dr. Beer with his recommendation for the next treatment regime. Laurie, Susan (our advocate) and I will see him Tuesday morning.

I continue to be impressed by the empathy, courtesy and efficiency of the medical folks at OHSU Knight Cancer Center. I am ever so grateful for their work and feel blessed to have them at my side.

Laurie and I continue to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Do stay tuned for the next exciting post as I reenter the dubious category of ‘interesting medical case’.  In the meantime, off I go on a 20-mile bike ride to enjoy the rare Eugene autumn sunshine!


Date August 2 October 4 October 10 October 26
PSA Total ng/mL 1.77 2.57 2.70 4.65



Coming Home (again)

Wednesday, October 26


I’m sure you’ve all seen it before; the airplane wing stretching out into the infinite horizon from your semi-comfortable seat. Well, that is our story today, as our east coast, autumn, family vacation winds to an end. We are on our way home! The last few days have been as fun and fulfilling as the initial weeks, but the playfulness, childhood innocence and hearty laughter shared with Zach and Jacob are not what I want to focus on now.

I view the out stretched wing into the horizon as a metaphor. The wing represents the reaching out by Laurie and me for help on our new journey – the vast horizon simply representing the unknown.

Upon returning home, Laurie and I will face the reality of my changing medical condition. We will address the ominous PSA rise (which may or may not reflect the marginal success of my phase one treatment). Presently, I am scheduled for a PSA retest this afternoon and a hormone injection on Monday coming. Most importantly, however, I have an appointment with Dr. Beer on Tuesday to consult and construct a new treatment plan. I guess, its time to get back to work and challenge those pesky tumor cells one more time.

I commit to continue to share the ups and downs of this transformative and interesting journey no matter where it leads. In the meantime, thank you all for the caring support you’ve shown us. Stay tuned and may the games begin once again!


Ready, Set, Go – Jacob, Zach & Uncle Mikie

Throw Back

Saturday, October 22

 In 1974, I exited New Jersey to start university in Delaware. Shortly after a work stint in Washington DC, I departed the east coast for good in late summer, 1979. I settled in the PNW, found my peeps and only rarely looked back.

This past week, while visiting Chris, Jeff and Jenna, I have been buoyantly jolted back to my childhood and high school years. At every turn, my senses vividly reminded me of years gone by. It has been so wonderful and nostalgic. I have happily experienced:

img_2321– Walking the leaf covered paths of the brightly colored deciduous forests

– Hearing familiar caws of NJ crows

– Seeing that noble Blue Jay perched on his fence post. Alas, no sightings of the native scarlet cardinal

– Driving the twisting, rolling, country highways, byways and back roads of the Jersey countryside.


fullsizerender_1– Entering a NJ high school gym during spirit week, similar to the one where I spent countless hours in my youth at basketball practice

-Straining to parse out the heavily accented NJ lexicon.

-Seeing the ubiquitous cape cod house with aluminum siding and the American flag



-Fully experiencing the iconic sights, sounds and smells of NYC streets.

– Smelling and tasting the authentic, ethnic east coast foods, especially pizza margherita


– Hearing the ever so familiar place names of tunnels, bridges, and towns – like the NJTPK, Pulaski Skyway, Holland Tunnel, Outer Bridge Crossing, Weehawken, Hoboken, Bayonne, the Raritan river etc.

– Playing Poker ‘Jersey’ style – double locked doors, worn furnishings, sticky cards, large, loud personalities, tough talk and great stories.

I hereby publicly acknowledge, with a gigantic THANK YOU, all those family folks who have contributed to our marvelous experience here in the east over the past three weeks. My high expectations for the trip have most certainly been thoroughly surpassed!

Good on ya all mates!


Pizza Lunch at Lombardi’s in Little Italy -Chris and Jeff!

The Third Leg

Tuesday, October 18

Traveling ‘old school’ today! We just boarded the Greyhound Bus (rebranded as Peter Pan) en route to visit Jeff, Christine and Jenna.  Alas – Julia, who we will surely miss, but, nonetheless, we are psyched to the max!

We continue to delight in every aspect of this wonderful family visit! The time together, the conversations, the connections and the hiking just get better and better! We feel so fortunate to have all these marvelous, compassionate, giving people as integral parts of our lives. It’s been just plain FABULOUS!

Urban Hike with Danielle and Rents


Front Yard View of Sally, Jon and Family in Annapolis

No new news on the medical front. We continue to trust our OHSU team and hope that this joyful time with family is our best medicine. Upon our return to Oregon on 10/26 we’ll get a new PSA data point and be ready to start a new more aggressive treatment! In the meantime, La Bella Vita!

La Familia Este 2 +

Friday, October 14

The family visit continues to be Awesome! Laurie, I and the parents (Linda and John) have immensely enjoyed spending time with the millennials (Danielle, her partner Adam, Ryan and his partner, Charlotte). Taking advantage of gorgeous weather, we’ve walked the dog in the park and hiked up a storm. Together we’ve prepared and feasted on scrumptious dinners. We’ve retold endless stories prompted by sorting through boxes of family photographs, some dating back to the 1930’s. We even climbed last night!

screen-shot-2016-10-14-at-11-24-19-pmThis morning early, 7am, I awoke with great anticipation. It was to be a day in middle school – only the second time since my retirement two years ago. Michael, a student of mine eleven years ago, invited me to observe and participate in his 7th grade language arts class in the DC area. The prospect of connecting with the kiddies and seeing him perform excited me to no end. I was not disappointed, as it was a BLAST – so very much fun! I was, however, vividly reminded of how much energy I used to expend when teaching as I arrived home exhausted. Surley my decision to retire was indeed the correct one. Thank You Michael, you truly made my day!

I enthusiastically look forward to tomorrow’s urban excursion with niece Danielle. We will hang out, tour Baltimore on foot, talk, laugh and then dine together. Yes!


Laurie and Zeppelin

Once again in the spirit of “Keeping it Real”, I report the results of the PSA retest (2.7) which confirms the uptick. We are concerned and disappointed! We consulted with OHSU and considered an emergency return for prompt treatment, but trust that Dr. Beer knows best.  We will follow his recommendation to finish and enjoy are family vacation.  Perhaps, joyful time with the family is our best medicine at this time!

La Familia Este

Tuesday, October 11

Our autumn east coast holiday is off to a phenomenal start. The initial visit with my brother Tom and family (Emily, Zach and Jacob) could be summed up by: “Play, Play, Play and Play some more!”

We filled our days as spectators to soccer and baseball games, throwing the football in the street, hitting the wiffle ball, walking in the park, playing card games, working on puzzles and so much more. I am amazed how well my energy level held up – but not so amazed at how excellent a family visit is for the soul!


Yesterday the boys and Emily walked Laurie and I to the Metro Station and we worked our way up to my sister, Linda’s place in Ellicott City, MD.

The mutual joy we felt upon first seeing each other was extremely exciting and heartwarming. After a short athletic walk, the evening just got better as we prepared dinner, anticipating the arrival of Ryan and Danielle. It was wonderful to see them and share stories. They left, yet Linda, John, Laurie and I continued talking and laughing late into the evening despite relegating topic after topic to another evening. AHH – the soul feels grand!

I so look forward to the continuation of our holiday………………

In the spirit of “Keeping it Real” I do admit to a nagging angst about the rise in PSA (most likely indicating a tumor cell resurgence); so much so that we snuck in a retest at a local lab. Our OHSU team and we expect those results early tomorrow and await a recommendation.

A small hiccup

Thursday, October 6

I sit next to Laurie in this steel tube cruising at 650 mph, 33,000 ft. above ground. We are en route to visit the east coast family. I cannot tell you how excited I am! Over the next three weeks, I will play with young kids, share the lives of young adult millennials and reminisce with my (not so) young brothers, sisters and in-laws. Oh yea!
img_2204That said, now the hiccup…………..Ever since that fateful day of April 14, when it was confirmed that I have a serious form of metastatic prostate cancer, we have received nothing but good news! Well, the streak is now broken.

I am halfway through the 3-month post chemotherapy-waiting phase of my cancer treatment and it is blood test time. Yesterday, I received results, which show a 45% increase in PSA level. This is the first increase since treatment commenced. Laurie and I did not expect this! Perhaps alarmed is too strong a word; disappointed or concerned may be more accurate.

Dr. Beer, our oncologist, is equally concerned and has immediately laid out a comprehensive plan, starting with a PSA retest in 3 weeks. We feel extremely fortunate for his empathy, guidance and expertise and continue to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Our rollercoaster saga continues……………….

Youth and Age

Monday, October 3

I returned late last night from a fun get-away to San Francisco with my old friend, Goelzie. Although the trip was a little different than the old days of traipsing around on bike or foot, it was equally enjoyable and insightful.

The time with the millennium-aged crew – Nick, Cassidy, Diana & their friends – was marvelous. Their youthful exuberance, optimism, interesting and thoughtful perspectives and downright intelligence was captivating and refreshing. I cannot fully explain how good it felt to be around these wonderful people. It’s more than feeling that our world will be in good hands as these folks mature and work themselves into positions of power and influence. When around them, I feel a spirit, a joy, and an energy that lifts me up – significantly more than simply living vicariously through them.


Now the other side: How fortunate I am to have two stellar friendships, which have not only withstood the test of time but have improved and deepened. Goelzie and I have been paling around for 40 years. For over 35 years, Lana and I, dare I say, have been soul mates. What a joy to spend time with both of them. I cannot say enough about the power of shared experiences in these relationships. The depth, the respect and the reciprocal support are so powerful! Growing old together with these soulful connections is like aging as a fine wine. We walk together (instead of run) continuing to appreciate and enjoy the world around us.


I come home tired…………..but extremely grateful. What a fabulous adventure I had sharing time with the young and the (not so) young. I enjoyed it immensely and continue to be thankful of what life continues to offer up to me.