Slow But Good!

Friday, July 8:

The succinct title of this post sums up my last few days.

The morning walks, when they happen, are definitely ¾ speeds. My favorite walk this week was the forest hike with Laurie, Katie, Julia and Kousa. Julia happily kept me company as we took up the rear. It was so enjoyable to share in her excitement as she spoke of her rapidly approaching freshman year at the University of Alabama.

Especially slow have been the warm, Willamette Valley summer afternoons. I still wake up excited and energized but by lunchtime I am quite lethargic. It is just hard to motivate – so much so, that I actually turned down two outdoor climbing invitations. It feels like I am dragging around that 20-pound weight once again.

Also, on this note, I did get a little worried Wednesday afternoon. I had committed to grocery shop. As I mounted my bike and pushed out into the sun my thoughts jumped back to that ill-fated previous Monday. Happily all worked out just fine and now that dreadful day is a mere memory.

About the only part of life that has not slowed down is the social life. Although a little taxing, it is FUN! I thoroughly enjoyed the July 3rd picnic on the river with Lynn, the welcoming BBQ for Julia (young cyclists included), the afternoon visit with our New Zealand friends, TJ and Rusty, the visit with cousin Jamie and cherry picking again with Julia. Of course, the spontaneous joys of hanging with my 5 ¼ year old buddy, Hayden, continues to be a social highlight!

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For those who have lost track, I continue to plod through my first phase of treatment.  There are only two remaining chemotherapy appointments (7/12 and 8/2).  On August 29th – a Bone and CT scan. These will show how the tumors have reacted to all the phase one treatments (chemotherapy, androgen deprivation, diet, acupuncture etc.).  The next day we meet with our oncologist, Dr. Beers, to make a phase two plan.

In the meantime, I am eternally grateful all your continued support and well wishes. As I said above: Slow but Good – as it well should be!

3 thoughts on “Slow But Good!”

  1. I’m happy to hear your last shopping experience is a fading memory. I can’t imagine such fatigue but seems to me I’ve had some close to that shopping outings in my past. Thanks for your honesty, I now realize you are human! Anyway, keep plodding along, one day at a time. Sounds like you get plenty of distractions from all the folks in your life. Glad to hear it. Thinking of you and following along.

  2. Hi Mike, Slow AND good. or… SLOW IS GOOD! You hang in there Mike. We are all still here sending love and light your way. Thank you for all your sharing. Thank you for you. 🙂

  3. Hey Mike
    Its all relative. Slowing down a little to get ready for the final push needs no apology. Rivers slow down before the major rapids , runners settle into a pace before the last sprint, Mike slows down to let the chemicals do battle.
    Glad to hear only two more treatments.
    Thinking of ya

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