Climbing the Hill

Saturday 5/28

I assure you, the title of this post is literal not metaphorical.

Almost thirty-five years ago to the day, I was one of four cycling friends who set out with fully loaded touring bikes from Paradise campground on the McKenzie River.  We climbed the old McKenzie Highway, cresting the Cascade Mountains.  It was my first time making this climb. I was 25 years old and cancer free (I think).

Since then I have ridden this road many, many times. In the early summer of 2004, Laurie and I cycled it twice. Once with brother Tom accompanying him across Oregon on his Trans Continental ride. The other time, two weeks prior, to make sure Laurie was in adequate cycling shape to ride across Oregon with Tom.

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Almost every year since, Laurie and I have done this climb. Usually we wait for ODOT to plow this mountain road of its winter snow. It is then open to bikes but not vehicles. Some years the road is wide open with no snow in the flowering meadows; while other years we ride the narrow single track of pavement bounded by towering walls of winter snow.

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Even more daring are the years when we launch before ODOT has plowed. That scenario is as follows: Van camp the night before and munch breakfast the morning of at the locked gate. Unload the bikes, strap on the skis, push around the gate and ride naked pavement as far up the hill as possible. We then park the bikes and ski to the summit. At the summit we arrive to a very cool CCC-era built stone structure, known as Dee Wright Observatory.  By then we have broken out into the late springtime sunshine.  We enjoy snow play, lunch, lounging and a luxurious nap. The views are spectacular, the air delightfully warm, the sky the deepest blue, the conifers the most striking green and the solitude felicitous. We are happy together in this gorgeous natural setting!

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Tonight Laurie and I drive up to camp with the intention of topping out on this ever so familiar summit by noon tomorrow. It will be my first climb of this magnitude since being diagnosed. I wonder how the cancer cells will like this trial.  Heck, they are already being mercilessly assaulted with hormone therapy and chemotherapy. Moreover, they are being starved of their sustenance – sugar.  I am fully confident that I will feel GREAT as I crest the summit, breath deeply the pristine air and absorb that noble landscape with its imposing views.  I bet that those cancer cells will be crying out to flee my body as fast as they can.  They’ll realize that their invasion was ill advised – an extremely bad idea – a very poor choice.  I hear them screeching, “I want out, NOW!”

So then, until tomorrow night when we arrive home, I leave you in waiting for my report. For now, back to preparations for tomorrow’s assault…………..You all will be the first know how this climb goes, as my intention is to post again sooner than later.  TTFN

PS:  If those pesky cancer cells are able to overcome this ravishment, my friends at OHSU will be bombarding again on Tuesday afternoon with the third chemotherapy treatment.  Take that suckers!

3 thoughts on “Climbing the Hill”

  1. “What an awesome dude”

    That quote is out of the very sweet letter your niece Julia wrote and what a perfect description of you, an awesome dude.
    I’ve been on a lot adventures with you, rafting, sailing, hiking, always a good time with a more then competent and fun companion, a person to count on if the adventure turned a little more “adventurous”. Of course I knew of many of your other adventures but as I read your blog I see that I only knew of a small portion of them…you’ve been living large my friend and I’m glad to see you’re not slowing down now, good for you!

    As I write this I’m in Longmont, Co, went on a bike ride with my sister yesterday and will be hiking in the Flat Irons today…you are constantly in my thoughts, you’d love it here (both my Mom and sister have spare rooms).

    Thanks for keeping the blog up, loved the ” by the numbers ” section, consummate Mike.

    Hope to see you soon…

  2. Mike–

    I’m really enjoying your posts! Thank You for doing this. More thoughts on “Climbing the Hill”: In my experience with other friends who are dealing with cancer, I’ve learned that exercise is an important tool in the integrative approach to therapy, and your latest post shines a bright light on that. You are kicking-ass physically, and to personify the cancer, it’s knocked it on it’s heals because of this. Your fat-based diet is important too, as you mention, cancer has a very difficult life in a carb-deprived environment alone, not to mention adding-in your conventional treatments. Most importantly, the last three paragraphs of “Climbing the Hill” show that your aggressive mental approach is spot-on, you are overwhelming this cancer from all angles! Keep it up!

    Much Love;

    1. Thank you, Joseph and Steve (captain) for your words of encouragement and continued support! I cannot say this journey is fun, but with you and all the others on my team, it becomes quite bearable. Thank You, one and all!

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