Week of Monday (5/2) – Sunday (5/8)
We had our second treatment at OHSU’s Knight Cancer Institute on Tuesday, May 10th. Before that post, let me describe the wonderful week previous.
The week began with an acupuncture appointment and consultation with Carter which was extremely satisfying! At home, I quickly settled into a happy routine of exercise and rest cycles throughout the week – morning hiking, afternoon weights, two 20+mile bicycle rides and two gym-climbing workouts. Very cool! I enjoyed immensely, visits with Tom on the porch, Angie/Mark during Carson’s HS BB game at SEHS and the Poker Boys at Rob’s house. Another sweet Tuesday night sauna and then the highlight of the week – Julia’s handwritten, heartfelt letter. Watching Laurie’s tears was especially moving. Julia Heil you ROCK!
A little dated, but best I could do. Cannot wait to see you this summer, Jules!
I admit, I did struggle towards week’s end. Perhaps adjusting to and maintaining the new diet, preparing for the Portland run or the double workout on Friday. A huge Thank You to Laurie for her undying support in every facet of this journey!
The week concluded with a wonderful Mother’s Day BBQ perfectly synchronized with that new diet. Great having Steve, Rhonda, Katie, Lynn & Orion for the party! Off to bed feeling happy, happy, happy!